Income Security


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Friday, November 5th 2010

USBIG — 2009 Congress, Feb 27-Mar 1

USBIG is the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network

The Eighth Congress of the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network will be February 27 – March 1, 2009 in New York City.

Registration is just $45 for the three days. Visit to see the schedule and for registration information. (Our meeting is part of the annual meeting of the Eastern Economics Association, which hosts us and manages our registration.)

USBIG Network is a discussion group on the Basic Income Guarantee (BIG)—a policy that would unconditionally guarantee at least a subsistence-level income for everyone. The congress brings together academics, students, activists, policy analysts, and others interested in exploring the merits of this proposal.

Featured speakers this year will include elected officials from Canada and Brazil. Canadian Senator Hugh Segal, a Conservative, has been a supporter of the basic income guarantee for the last three decades, and is currently leading a renewed campaign for BIG in Canada. Tony Martin is Member of the Canadian House of Commons for the left-of-center New Democratic Party (NDP). Brazilian Senator Eduardo Suplicy is in his third term representing the state of Sao Paolo in the Brazilian Federal Senate, and one of the founding members of Brazil’s ruling Workers’ Party. Another international participant will be Pablo Yannes, the head of the Mexican affiliate of the Basic Income Earth Network.

Also participating as speakers will be Steven Shafarman of and members of the USBIG coordinating committee, Karl Widerquist, Michael Howard, Allen Sheahen, Eri Noguchi, Michael Lewis, and Almaz Zelleke.
